Monday, July 25, 2011

Likes and Purple Cow

Likes and Purple Cow for Microsoft XBOX Free To Play Model

The article about Purple Cow basically states that today the traditional rules of marketing are just not enough to create a successful new product. It needs to be something different and unique. There are certain points in the article which I liked the most like:
• You need to have all the P’s (Product, Price, Promotion, Positioning and soo) in the right place and at the right time to succeed in the current marketplace.
• Your product or service is unsuccessful because most people can’t afford to buy it. Thus you don’t have a market for your product or service.
• Try to create remarkable products with great marketing and try to seek it to the right people i.e. don’t make a product that satisfies everybody but target a niche.
• Last but not the least have passion in your efforts and create something that is unique and remarkable.

The Purple Cow:

In my project Microsoft is trying to make full use of the marketing P’s by been innovative and finding their Purple Cow. The sneezers for Free-to-play model are probably going to be Casual gamers who may not own an Xbox console buy are keen towards video gaming through online (or digital) downloads. Now these casual gamers can easily download, install, and play any game, completely at no cost to them. They will only need to register on Xbox LIVE, which is free of cost, to login to access to any of the provided games in any of the three platforms.

Moreover, by being on Windows smartphones Casual gamers now don’t need to have an XBOX console which is costly for them and hard to buy. So by having a smartphone they can just register on Xbox live, create an account and enjoy gaming through our free-to-play model. By doing this Microsoft will not only capture new customers who previously could not join the Xbox LIVE family due to the upfront console gaming costs, but also will provide a new revenue stream in addition to its premium service charges and digital content purchases.


Currently XBOX Live is on Facebook with 193,543 likes. Thus the infrastructure is already in place and has proven to work for years. So, I’m confident that with the free-to-play model, Microsoft will be much better prepared to meet the changing needs of its customer base by shifting to more alternative and advanced gaming options.

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