Monday, August 8, 2011

What I learned in this class

My key take away from class is that people truly are changing the marketing world. The power is now with them, and they shape social media and marketing. It is awesome to think about it this way. No longer are there a set number of TV and radio stations pushing all of the information to the mass public. Those days are gone forever. Now, the marketing and advertising techniques are shaped around how the public uses media. People are much more inclined to buy or be influenced by their social circle, and social media has enabled them to practice this idea.
Another concept I learned, which kind of struck me by surprise, was my total concurrence with the thought that nearly every business needs social media. People are going to talk, and it’s just a matter of whether you want to join the conversation. Through facebook, Twitter and YouTube, companies can communicate with their customers and address questions and issues in a more efficient many than ever before. This enables them to increase customer service. On the other hand, if companies don’t use it, or use it in an inappropriate way, it will damage their customer service.
The third is the understanding that we are just scratching the surface for how social media will change the way we get information. It has already changed in that people are not interested as much in going to get their information, but they want it brought to them. The amount of efficiencies that can be gained from social media is incredible. It will be exciting to see how everything changes even in the next five years. The change shows no signs of stopping, so we can expect more efficiencies and improvements. Some that follow what the customer wants, and some that show customers what they should want.
All of these things contribute to my understanding that WOM and social media is way more important than I thought before I took this class.

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