Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cause Marketing and Mobile Restaurant App

My mobile app restaurant start-up has several opportunities to partner with non-profits in the hunger-relief sector on a local and national level. According to the Cone Cause Evolution Study, 94% of millenials find cause marketing acceptable and keep it top of mind while shopping. This provides my start-up an opportunity to reach their target market who are primarily younger more savvy mobile users the opportunity to support hunger-relief efforts while also finding great new Seattle restaurants.

I suggest the mobile app partner with both a local and global hunger-relief organization. The local organization allows the mobile app to closely identify with the major city their app targets, in this case the initial city will be Seattle so I suggest the non-profit Hunger Intervention Program (HIP). The mobile app could advertise that one day a year, preferrably October 16th for World Food Day, all proceeds from "top dishes" purchased on the mobile app will go towards funding HIP's efforts to end hunger in Seattle. On a global scale, I think the app should partner with the Hunger Project one day per month to donate $1 of each "top dish" purchased to the nonprofit. This type of cause marketing would be ideal for traditional press coverage (evening news, newspaper) as well as social media. Participants could "like" the virtual event on Facebook and dedicate a specific hashtag on Twitter to follow the buzz and see how others are taking part.

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