The best social networking site for Running Evolution to use to reach out to clients is Facebook. The owner currently uses Facebook as a "friend" rather than a page to "Like." I don't know which one would serve her better. Most of her current posts are about the weather (related to runs), runs peoples can sign up for or what she is currently doing (like visiting Full Tilt). This approach is OK as it seems like clients that are her "Friends" can bond with her over every day things; however, she could expand on her posts and provide information posts related to:
1. News related to running (technique, nutrition, who just won the Boston Marathon)
2. A great recipe a week that would be good fuel for a long weekend run
3. Shout outs to clients/friends who accomplished goals (running their first 5K, PR'ing in a half marathon, etc)
4. Use FB to facilitate running partner matches. If someone is looking for a local running partner, she could post about pace/goal etc and ask if anyone is looking for a running partner working towards a similar goal.
5. Posts about things seen on runs (great sunsets, cute dogs, funny encounters, cute kids, etc)
6. Post a "Running Picture of the Week" which could show people what stuff you can see on runs (see #5) to motivate what you could miss if you skip your run.
Overall, I think Facebook provides more interaction possibilities. She can tie it into her phone application (that tracks runs and progress to goals) so people can post on FB (or Twitter, etc) their runs and progress towards goals.
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